Thursday 10 October 2024

Reach out and make a difference

I know there is a lot going on at the moment to promote breast cancer awareness for Pink October, but just a quick reminder to not overlook or neglect other aspects of your health.

World Mental Health Day is the perfect opportunity to remember that it is just as important to look after your mind as it is your body. Physical health and mental health need to go hand in hand if you really want to look after yourself.

If you're struggling or finding life difficult, reach out to someone, talk about it and don't be ashamed to ask for help. It really is okay to admit that you are not okay. You do not need to face whatever you are going through alone! 

But please also remember that you are stronger than you probably realise. Hang in there and keep fighting. You got this!

Conversely, if you know someone is struggling, reach out to them. Even if its just a quick hello, it could mean the world to them. Small gestures can make big differences! A simple text, phone call, or casual conversation can have a big impact. Let them know you're there, ready to listen without judgment.

And, perhaps even more importantly, if you suspect someone is in a dark place but, for whatever reason, they either fell unable to talk about it or uncomfortable opening up, be the one to take the first step and reach out to them.

Even those who seem to be "okay" could be dealing with stress, anxiety, or depression behind the scenes. Mental health struggles can be isolating, and sometimes the hardest step for someone facing these challenges is reaching out for help. That’s where each and every one of us comes in. Be the one to make a difference!

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