Tuesday 3 October 2023

Rock my pussy

Having missed the grand opening of Rock My Pussy last week, I was eager to check it out this week. I don't really want to go into how my night went though, as my head wasn't really in good place and I imagine there was a palpable aura of negativity around me, which other guests were probably keen to dodge.

The truth is that I've been struggling a lot recently. It's always tough dealing with depression. Sometimes it's really tough. Always, I manage to get through it and emerge from the other side and I'm, sure it will be no different this time. I just ask for your understanding it I struggle to provide regular posts like I normally would.

Any words of encouragement or kindness that you can offer me would be most welcome while I try to sort my head out. Or maybe what I really need is to take an extended vacation from all of this...

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