Sunday, 10 January 2021

A benchmark for all gentlemen's clubs

As far as sex-themed venues go, Bare Elegance Girls is much more like it. I've described it before as setting a benchmark that other strip clubs should aspire to and I still stand by that comment.

Granted, it doesn't do anything particularly original that you couldn't find else where but it knows what it is and does that very well. It doesn't try to be on of these schizophrenic clubs that is attempting to be something to everyone. Instead, it focuses on one theme and absolutely nails it.

And it is just a nice place to visit. It doesn't fall into the cheap and tacky trappings that many sex club or strip club owners seem to think their clubs need. It feels classy and upmarket. Like the owners want their guests to have a memorable visit when they go there for a night out. Not just have it be another one of those forgettable club that all bleed into one.

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