Friday, 2 October 2020

Pink and Proud

There are many ways to show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, all of which are equally valid. I, for example, choose to wear pink outfits for the entire month.

Amanda, on the other hand, decided that she would dye her hair pink. Or rather, she would PandaHThomas dye her hair pink... because what could possibly go wrong..?

In her own words, they had a bit of a disaster.

Arriving at Virtual Sugar last night wearing a beanie, tugged all the way down to conceal the results of her folly, I feared the worst. But after some cajoling for myself and Jessica to remove her headwear, she finally relented and showed us the results of their work.

I loved it!

Bright and bold, exactly what we need to bring attention to this cause. I am truly blessed to have such supportive friends. I love them dearly.

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