Sunday 13 October 2024

Stand together with survivors

No Bra Day is about showing solidarity with breast cancer survivors, especially those who have undergone mastectomies, and raising awareness about early detection. Let’s stand together, support those affected, and remind everyone to prioritize breast health through self-exams.

Friday 11 October 2024

Know your enemy

Here we go with this week's summary of breast cancer facts that I've been sharing over on Twitter. Because the best way to combat something is to know what you are up against!

Did you know? Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women worldwide. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. But men can get breast cancer too! Around 1% of all breast cancer cases are in men

Did you know? 85% of breast cancer cases occur in women with no family history of the disease

Did you know? Genetic mutations like BRCA1 and BRCA2 significantly increase the risk of breast cancer. Men with a family history of breast cancer or BRCA gene mutations are especially at higher risk

Did you know? Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate by age. While it is more common in older women, it can also affect younger women. Women over 40 are advised to schedule annual mammograms.

Did you know? Mammograms can detect tumours up to 2 years before they can be felt and breast cancer deaths have dropped by more than 30% since they became widespread.

Thursday 10 October 2024

Reach out and make a difference

I know there is a lot going on at the moment to promote breast cancer awareness for Pink October, but just a quick reminder to not overlook or neglect other aspects of your health.

World Mental Health Day is the perfect opportunity to remember that it is just as important to look after your mind as it is your body. Physical health and mental health need to go hand in hand if you really want to look after yourself.

If you're struggling or finding life difficult, reach out to someone, talk about it and don't be ashamed to ask for help. It really is okay to admit that you are not okay. You do not need to face whatever you are going through alone! 

But please also remember that you are stronger than you probably realise. Hang in there and keep fighting. You got this!

Conversely, if you know someone is struggling, reach out to them. Even if its just a quick hello, it could mean the world to them. Small gestures can make big differences! A simple text, phone call, or casual conversation can have a big impact. Let them know you're there, ready to listen without judgment.

And, perhaps even more importantly, if you suspect someone is in a dark place but, for whatever reason, they either fell unable to talk about it or uncomfortable opening up, be the one to take the first step and reach out to them.

Even those who seem to be "okay" could be dealing with stress, anxiety, or depression behind the scenes. Mental health struggles can be isolating, and sometimes the hardest step for someone facing these challenges is reaching out for help. That’s where each and every one of us comes in. Be the one to make a difference!

Friday 4 October 2024

Some pink facts for you

I've been debating with myself for some time about what sort of Think Pink campaign I should run for the 9th iteration of my personal drive to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 

In past years, I've written long essays detailing why you should care and what you can do if you do care. Lots of revealing stats and compelling arguments but maybe not always the easiest content to digest.

So this year, I'm all about making my info as accessible as possible. With that in mind, I will be posting a simple fact about breast cancer and breast cancer awareness each weekday over on my Twitter, and then I'll combine those into one bigger post back on here at the end of the week.

Obviously, it's not a full week to get us started, so this will be a shorter one just to get you warmed up.

Did you know? When breast cancer is detected early, the 5-year survival rate is 99%. Early detection saves lives. Understanding your normal breast shape and feel can help you detect changes earlier. 

Did you know? 40% of diagnosed breast cancers are first detected by women noticing a lump during self-checks. Regular self-exams can be life-saving!

Learn how at

Thursday 3 October 2024

By The Sea

I've seen so, so many amazing photos taken at the ever so picturesque City By The Sea but I've never managed to make it there myself to check it out in person.

Last night, I managed to partially correct that, as I very briefly passed through on my way home. The hour was late and I couldn't linger for long, other than to deploy my drone into the sky to capture a quick aerial shot. It was only at that point that I realised the scale of the city and how far it actually stretched inland from the coast

Now, I'm even more eager to get back there at a more reasonable time of day, when I can actually have some time to properly explore and see what the place has to offer.